API Reference
This section contains a complete reference of all the classes, functions, interfaces, types and variables exported by the Helios library.
Typescript annotations are used to document types.
- Address
- AssetClass
- Assets
- Bip32PrivateKey
- BitWriter
- BlockfrostV0
- ByteArray
- ByteArrayData
- CborData
- Cip30Wallet
- ConstrData
- DCert
- Datum
- DatumHash
- Ed25519PrivateKey
- FuzzyTest
- HInt
- Hash
- HashedDatum
- HeliosData
- IROptimizerState
- IntData
- KoiosV0
- ListData
- MapData
- MintingPolicyHash
- MintingRedeemer
- NativeScript
- NetworkEmulator
- NetworkParams
- NetworkSlice
- Program
- PubKey
- PubKeyHash
- Redeemer
- RemoteWallet
- RootPrivateKey
- RuntimeError
- ScriptHash
- Signature
- SimpleWallet
- Site
- Source
- SpendingRedeemer
- StakeAddress
- StakingValidatorHash
- Tx
- TxBody
- TxChain
- TxId
- TxInput
- TxMetadata
- TxOutput
- TxOutputId
- TxRefInput
- TxWitnesses
- UTxO
- UplcBool
- UplcBuiltin
- UplcByteArray
- UplcCall
- UplcConst
- UplcData
- UplcDataValue
- UplcDelay
- UplcError
- UplcForce
- UplcInt
- UplcLambda
- UplcList
- UplcPair
- UplcProgram
- UplcString
- UplcTerm
- UplcType
- UplcUnit
- UplcValueImpl
- UplcVariable
- UserError
- ValidatorHash
- Value
- WalletHelper
- bytesToHex
- bytesToText
- deserializeUplc
- deserializeUplcBytes
- extractScriptPurposeAndName
- hexToBytes
- highlight
- hl
- textToBytes
- AddressProps
- AssetClassProps
- AssetsProps
- ByteArrayProps
- Cip30Handle
- CoinSelectionAlgorithm
- Cost
- CostCount
- CurvePoint
- DatumHashProps
- Decoder
- HIntProps
- HashProps
- LiveSlotGetter
- Metadata
- MintingPolicyHashProps
- NetworkSliceUTxOs
- NumberGenerator
- Profile
- ProgramConfig
- ProgramProperties
- PropertyTest
- PubKeyHashProps
- PubKeyProps
- ScriptPurpose
- StakingValidatorHashProps
- TransferUplcAst
- TransferableUplcProgram
- TxIdProps
- TxOutputIdProps
- UInt64Fast
- UplcRTECallbacks
- UplcRawStack
- UserTypes
- ValidatorHashProps
- ValueGenerator
- ValueProps