Helios language/ Builtins/


Helios linked-list type.

The syntax for a list type uses empty brackets followed by a type parameter: []ItemType.


example: []Int = []Int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; ...

Looping over multiple lists at once can be done with a recursive function call:

func add_element_wise(a: []Int, b: []Int) -> []Int {
    if (a.is_empty()) {
    } else {
        add_element_wise(a.tail, b.tail).prepend(a.head + b.head)

Associated functions


[]ItemType::from_data(data: Data) -> []ItemType


Creates a new list of length n, where every contained item is determined by fn(i: Int) (i is the 0-based index of the item).

[]ItemType::new(n: Int, fn: (i: Int) -> ItemType) -> []ItemType


Creates a new list of length n, where very contained item is the same.

[]ItemType::new_const(n: Int, item: ItemType) -> []ItemType



Returns the length of a list.

list.length -> Int

Returns the first item in a list. Throws an error if the list is empty.

list.head -> ItemType


Returns the list items following the first item. Throws an error if the list is empty.

list.tail -> []ItemType

Note: tail doesn't return the last item in a list but returns everything after head as a new list.



[]ItemType == []ItemType -> Bool


[]ItemType != []ItemType -> Bool


List concatenation

[]ItemType + []ItemType -> []ItemType



Returns true if all of the items in the list satisfy the predicate.

list.all(predicate: (ItemType) -> Bool) -> Bool


Returns true if any of the items in the list satisfy the predicate.

list.any(predicate: (ItemType) -> Bool) -> Bool


Drops list items counting from the beginning, returning the rest of the list. Throws an error if n is negative or larger than the length of the list.

list.drop(n: Int) -> []ItemType


Drops list items counting from the end, returning the non-dropped part of the list. Throws an error if n is negative or larger than the length of the list.

This method is more efficient than calling list.take(list.length - n) (if the list length isn't already known).

list.drop_end(n: Int) -> []ItemType


Returns a list of all the items in the old list that satisfy the predicate.

list.filter(predicate: (ItemType) -> Bool) -> []ItemType


Returns the first item in the list that satisfies the predicate. Throws an error if no item satisfies the predicate.

list.find(predicate: (ItemType) -> Bool) -> ItemType


Returns the first item in the list that satisfies the predicate, wrapped in an Option. Returns a Option[ItemType]::None if no items match the predicate.

list.find_safe(predicate: (ItemType) -> Bool) -> Option[ItemType]


Only defined for nested lists, i.e. [][]NestedItemType.

nested_list: [][]NestedItemType = ...;

nested_list.flatten() -> []NestedItemType


Folds a list into a single value by continuosly applying the binary function to the items of the list.

list.fold[ReducedType: Any](
    reducer: (ReducedType, ItemType) -> ReducedType, 
    init: ReducedType
) -> ReducedType


Fold that allows breaking the loop before reaching the end of the list. Can also be used to fold from the last to the first entry of the list instead of the other way around.

list.fold_lazy[ReducedType: Any](
    reducer: (item: ItemType, next: () -> ReducedType) -> ReducedType,
    final: ReducedType
) -> ReducedType


Folds a list into two values.

list.fold2[ReducedType1: Any, ReducedType2: Any](
    reducer: (ReducedType1, ReducedType2, ItemType) -> (ReducedType1, ReducedType2),
    init1: ReducedType1,
    init2: ReducedType2
) -> (ReducedType1, ReducedType2)


Fold into two values, while allowing breaking the loop before reaching the end of the list.

list.fold2_lazy[ReducedType1: Any, ReducedType2: Any](
    reducer: (item: ItemType, next: () -> (ReducedType1, ReducedType2)) -> (ReducedType1, ReducedType2),
    init1: ReducedType1,
    init2: ReducedType2
) -> (ReducedType1, ReducedType2)


Print or assert something for each item. Returns void.

list.for_each(fn: (item: ItemType) -> ()) -> ()


Returns the item at the given position in the list (0-based index). Throws an error if the index is out of range.

list.get(index: Int) -> ItemType

Note: get(n) has to iterate until it encounters the n-th item, so this method is O(n) and not O(1).


Asserts that the list contains precisely one item, and returns that item.

list.get_singleton() -> ItemType


Returns true if the list is empty.

list.is_empty() -> Bool


Only defined for []String and []ByteArray. join() takes an optional separator (defaults to the empty String or the empty ByteArray).

string_list.join(separator: String = "") -> String

bytearray_list.join(separator: ByteArray = #) -> ByteArray


Transforms each item of a list.

list.map[NewItemType](mapper: (ItemType) -> NewItemType) -> []NewItemType


Transforms and filters a list in one call.

list.map_option[NewItemType](mapper: (ItemType) -> Option[NewItemType]) -> []NewItemType


Creates a new list by prepending an item to the old list.

list.prepend(item: ItemType) -> []ItemType


list.serialize() -> ByteArray


Creates a new list, replacing an item at an index. Throws an error if the index is out of range.

list.set(index: Int, item: ItemType) -> []ItemType


Returns a string representation of the list and its content. This can be useful for debugging.

list.show() -> String


Sorts the list using insertion sort.

list.sort((a: ItemType, b: ItemType) -> Bool) -> []ItemType


Splits the list at an index. Throws an error if the index is out of range.

list.split_at(index: Int) -> ([]ItemType, []ItemType)


Only defined for []Int and []Real.

int_list.sum() -> Int
real_list.sum() -> Real


Takes the first n items from the list. Throws an error if n is negative or larger than the length of the list.

list.take(n: Int) -> []ItemType


Takes the last n items from the list. Throws an error if n is negative or larger than the length of the list.

This method is more efficient than calling list.drop(list.length - n) (if the list length isn't already known).

list.take_end(n: Int) -> []ItemType