English auction
In this example, we will rewrite the English auction contract from the Plutus Pioneer's program in Helios.
This validator can be used to lock assets that are to be auctioned in a UTxO.
spending english_auction
struct Datum {
seller: PubKeyHash
bid_asset: AssetClass // allow alternative assets (not just lovelace)
min_bid: Int
deadline: Time
for_sale: Value // the asset that is being auctioned
highest_bid: Int // initialized at 0, which signifies the auction doesn't yet have valid bids
highest_bidder: PubKeyHash
func update(self, highest_bid: Int, highest_bidder: PubKeyHash) -> Datum {
self.copy(highest_bid: highest_bid, highest_bigger: highest_bidder)
enum Redeemer {
Bid {
bidder: PubKeyHash
bid: Int
func main(datum: Datum, redeemer: Redeemer, ctx: ScriptContext) -> Bool {
tx: Tx = ctx.tx;
now: Time = tx.time_range.start;
validator_hash: ValidatorHash = ctx.get_current_validator_hash();
redeemer.switch {
Close => {
if (datum.highest_bid < datum.min_bid) {
// the forSale asset must return to the seller, what happens to any erroneous bid value is irrelevant
.contains(datum.for_sale + datum.highest_bid) &&
// Check that the deadline has passed
now > datum.deadline
} else {
// Check that the seller receives the highest bid
.contains(Value::new(datum.bid_asset, datum.highest_bid)) &&
// Check that highest bidder is given the token being auctioned
.contains(datum.for_sale) &&
// Check that the deadline has passed
now > datum.deadline
b: Bid => {
if (b.bid < datum.min_bid) {
} else if (b.bid <= datum.highest_bid) {
} else {
// first bid is placed by the auction creator
expected_datum: Datum = datum.update(b.bid, b.bidder);
// Check that new Auction UTxO contains the token for sale and the new bid
.value_locked_by_datum(validator_hash, expected_datum)
.contains(datum.for_sale + Value::new(datum.bid_asset, b.bid)) &&
// Check that the old highest bidder is repayed
.contains(Value::new(datum.bid_asset, datum.highest_bid)) &&
// Check that the deadline hasn't passed
now < datum.deadline