Helios API/

Setup of the Helios Library

The Helios library is platform agnostic and can be used in many different ways.

Webpage script tag

<script src="https://helios.hyperion-bt.org/<version>/helios.js" type="module" crossorigin></script>

Module with CDN URL

Helios can be imported as a module using our CDN. This is supported by Deno and most modern browsers:

import * as helios from "https://helios.hyperion-bt.org/<version>/helios.js"

// or only the necessary parts (recommended as you get more acquainted with the library)
import { Program } from "https://helios.hyperion-bt.org/<version>/helios.js"

Alternatively you can use "helios" as a placeholder for the URL and, if not using any builder-tools, specify the module URL in an importmap (currently only supported by Chrome):

// in you javascript file
import * as helios from "helios"
<!-- in your html file -->
<script type="importmap">
        "imports": {
            "helios": "https://helios.hyperion-bt.org/<version>/helios.js"

The examples in this chapter will use the placeholder approach.


Install the latest version of the library using the following command:

$ npm i @hyperionbt/helios

Or install a specific version:

$ npm i @hyperionbt/helios@<version>

In your Javascript/Typescript file:

import { Program } from "@hyperionbt/helios"

We don't yet recommend installing the Helios library globally, as the API is still changing frequently.