Helios language/ User-defined types/ Methods/

Associated functions and constants

Associated functions (aka static methods) and constants are just like regular functions or constants but are also namespaced by a type, for example Rational::new(top, bottom).

Defining associated functions and constants

Associated functions are defined just like methods but without the self argument. Associated constants are simply const statements inside a struct or enum block:

struct Rational {
    top:    Int
    bottom: Int

	// associated const
	const PI = Rational { 355, 113 }

	// associated function
	func new(top: Int, bottom: Int) -> Rational {
		Rational { top, bottom }

Using associated functions and constants

Associated functions and constants are namespaced by the type they are associated with and can be referenced using a double colon (::) just like in Rust. For example:

half: Rational = Rational::new(1, 2); ...